SKILLS: social media
Social Media has become an integral part of our daily lives and more and more companies are focusing on these platforms to get in touch with their audience. Not only to create awareness, but also being able to listen to their customers. Webshifters assists clients with setting up social media and advises on the best way to utilise it.
Some famous Social Media platforms are: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+Twitter and YouTube. But also Instagram and SnapChat are getting more populair, especially under youngsters. When using social media, it is important that it won’t be a ”stand-alone”, but will be is integrated into your marketing mix. But which medium will get you the best results? What are the do’s and don’ts to manage multiple social media channels simultaneously, without having the same message out there but still achieving what you had in mind?
10 reasons to use social media
1. Increase brand awareness
2. Online reputation management
3. Come across as an expert (authority)
4. Impact on search engine rankings
5. Generating website traffic
6. Influence buying behaviour
7. Be modern
8. Niche marketing
9. Input for product development
10. Recruiting new talent